Site icon Egeus – European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography



1. The EGEUS “European Group for Endoscopic UltraSonography” is an Association of National Clubs, Groups of Interest, Committees in the field of Endoscopic Ultrasound and/or individual members dedicated to EUS.

2. It was founded in 2003 by the official representatives of the French Club of Endosonography (CFED, Club Français d’Echoendoscopie Digestive), the Italian Club of Endosonography (IEC), the Belgian Group of Digestive Endosonography (BDGES) and the Spanish AEG-EUS Interest Group (AEGuse).

3. It has an officially registered LOGO that is the official emblem of the European Group.


Headquarters care of Technical EGEUS Secretariat


4. The duration of the Association is unlimited


5. The Association is non-political, non-profit, its aims are:
a) to develop and spread the knowledge of the Endoscopic UltraSonography (EUS) and other associated endoscopic/ultrasonographic or gastroenterological techniques
b) To promote the education and training of doctors and nurses in endosonography
c) To promote basic and clinical research in the field of EUS

These purposes can be achieved by:
a. organization of the European Congress of the EGEUS every two years, in different European Countries
b. organization and promotion of other Congresses or Meetings or Courses (Live-Courses, hands-on courses etc.) in the field of EUS
c. Advertising Grants for participation of doctors and nurses to EUS congresses, meetings or courses or for scientific works
d. Proposing, promoting and supporting scientific research and multicentre studies
e. Organizing, implementing and developing a registered website:

These aims can be pursued by means of cooperation or association with other scientific, public or private, societies or associations or companies, national or international, sharing the same or similar scientific or educational interests.

6. The Association forbids itself to perform any actions or activities not consistent with the previous aims


7. Members of the Association are those National Clubs, Groups of interest or Committees who founded the EGEUS and those EUS National Clubs, Groups of interest or Committees who will apply for admittance and will be accepted by the EGEUS Board because they share the same aims and purposes of the Association and are considered suitable for pursuing those aims.

8. The individual members of the national Clubs, Groups or Committees that are members of the EGEUS will be automatically individual members of the EGEUS.

9. The Association also accepts individual membership by physicians (or trainees) who live and work in Countries where a national EUS Club, Group of interest or Committee is not officially established and also physicians (or trainees) who desire to apply as individual members even in the presence of an established EUS Group in their Country.

10. The National Club, Group of interest or Committee Membership is at present free of charge.

11. The individual membership is at present free of charge.

12. In order for a National Club, Group of interest or Committee to become an EGEUS member, an official application must be made and submitted with all the requested data to the EGEUS Secretary.

13. In order for an individual physician (or trainee) to become an EGEUS individual member, an application form for individual membership must be filled in and submitted with all the requested data to the EGEUS Secretary.

14. The National and Individual Membership must be approved by the EGEUS Board and subsequently the acceptance will be communicated by the EGEUS Secretary. Possible refusals will not be justified.

15. All the Members of the EGEUS have the same rights and obligations towards the Association and can withdraw their membership by written communication to the EGEUS Secretary.


16. Organs of the Association are:

o The EGEUS Board or Committee

o The EGEUS Coordinator

o The EGEUS Secretary


17. The Association is run by the EGEUS Board at present is made up of 8 members. Two members from each founding Country (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain)

18. If new Countries are enrolled, the rules for having a member on the Board will be the following:

o One member on the Board for each Country that has at least 30 national (EGEUS) members

o Countries that do not have an established EUS Club/Group or that cannot reach at least 30 members may associate with other Countries or individual members in a mixed Group that can also have 1 representative on the Board (1 Board member for each 30 EGEUS individual members enrolled)

o The EGEUS Board will continue in office for 4 years.

o The EGEUS Board elects the EGEUS Coordinator and the EGEUS Secretary

o The EGEUS Board chooses the local and the international Board for the EGEUS biennial European Meeting


19. The EGEUS Coordinator is elected by the EGEUS Committee between the Board Members. He will continue in office for the next 4 years.

20. The legal representation of the Association is assigned to the EGEUS Coordinator or his delegate. He coordinates the business meetings and the partners’ meetings of the Association, the works, the activities and the external relationships of the EGEUS.


21. The EGEUS Secretary is elected by the EGEUS Committee between the Board Members. He will continue in office for the next 4 years.

22. The Secretary must keep and update the lists of the EGEUS members, send to them all the communications or e-mails or news the Board will decide to spread to all the EGEUS members.

23. He records and keeps the Meetings minutes of the EGEUS.

24. He strictly cooperates with the Coordinator for all the activities of the Association



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